Monday, September 29, 2008


Trip to Bangudae about an hr and a half away, was a museum, old Korean caveman hieroglyphics and a beautiful forest entry. Was pretty cool, here are some pics.


Whatchu talkin' bout Willis?

Cavemen to the left of me, caveman to my right, here I am, stuck in the middle...

Cool looking display at the museum.

Huge ass spider we saw all over the place in that forest, scary as hell looking. They were about the size of a quarter.

Random picture of the area.

Mountain here is Turtle shaped.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Raz, are you boring?

A lot of things get lost in translation here. My favorite is 'are you boring?' when they are in fact asking, 'are you bored?' I've gotten that a lot from both the Korean teachers and students. Other tidbits while I've been here. They enjoy using the term 'delicious'. While we may occasionally use that word, they use it all the time. In journals, the kids write, 'I ate sweet potatoes, it was very delicious.' or 'I ate apples, it is very delicious.' I would imagine that if they were eating salt and i asked them if they liked it I'd get an 'its delicious' response. When I go out to dinner with Koreans they always ask, whatever it is that we eat, 'do you like, is it delicious?' They are not satisfied with a 'its good; an 'its delicious' is necessary or else they'll ask you again. I also get a few 'it was nice and dandy' in checking journal entries as well, which is a trip. Lastly, 'I had so much funny' 'It was such a funny day' even though they really mean 'it was a fun day'. I get that a lot as well. They're trying to say that it was really really really fun today but instead it comes out as, 'It was so much funny today.'

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Seoul Pics

Me at Changdeokgung Palace. Had to include at least 1 photo of myself just in case people thought I've just been stealing stock photos and pretending that they're my own because as you can see, I'm an amateur photographer.

Me at Changdeokgung Palace (Old folks just hanging out, talking about how much they hate the Japanese)

Changdeokgung Palace (A-hole palace official had to ruin my shot.)

Picture of Seoul/Namsan Tower after a trip up closer to it on a cargo car. Can see nice pictures of all of Seoul from up there.

Seoul/Namsan Tower before sun down.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sleep...if you dare.

So I was in Seoul the last few days and I must say that their subway system is awesome, its in both Hangeul and English and their maps make it really easy to navigate. I'll have pics of the places I visited in the next few days but I wanted to put these few pics up first. The subway is a great place to take a nap...

This guy looked like a douchebag anyway.

So...if you can correctly determine who is sleeping and whose awake, Ill give you 5 bucks.

iPhone is useful.

This old man and his wife had a rough night of drinking.

No country is immune from gangsta rap.

More pics of my time in Seoul here...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Series of pics

This is one of my most annoying students, she was playing a flute and this is her punishment. Here are a series of photos showing her having to hold the flute in the air for 3 minutes. She deserved it to the tenth powa.

Still holding the flute, stay tuned...
More pics of the city here, I hope the link works for non-facebook people.


I don’t know how many people actually read this thing but I’m checking in anyway because its been awhile since I’ve written my last entry. I’ve gotten comfortable living here, can’t actually believe I’ve been here a whole month already. It’s hard to pick up Korean phrases but I’m learning a few here and there, some of my students are the best teachers actually. In regards to ‘teaching’ What I do isn’t exactly what you would call teaching.

Just to give a glimpse into my day. At my school there are 4 Korean teachers and 2 foreigner teachers. While the foreigner teachers take care helping the kids with pronunciation and reading skills, the Korean teachers help the students with grammar and vocabulary. Each student has about 1 hr of English class per day. I have 8-9 classes per day that are 30-35 minutes per beginning at 2pm and ends at either 7:20 or 8:00 depending on the day. In my early classes there are younger kids, from ages 7-9 at different English levels. Then its 10-12 yr olds and ends with 13-15 yr olds later in the day. Basically all I do all day is recite words, sentences and phrases all day, pretty much the same ones too. It’s really repetitive, its not hard whatsoever but the kids have such bad pronunciations sometimes I may have them repeat words or sentences 10 times in a class and even then they still make the same mistakes the next day, it’s a little frustating but then again, its nothing too I get worried about, some kids will get it, some won’t. The issues I have a problem with are the same ones we all kinda know about already, the have problems with TH, R, L, V, F, P, say (gurl instead of girl, full instead of fall, birsday instead of birthday.

The kids in the first few hours are probably the worst because they have a really bad grasp of English and are just barely learning, most of what they know is the alphabet in some cases. There’s a communication break down so they tend to talk amongst themselves, act out in class or just avoid doing anything. Usually there’s always 1-2 bad kids that ruin it for the rest of them. (Each class I have can have anywhere between 3-12 kids in it) I’ve taken to some tactics such as moving kids from their seats, making a few kids sit in the corner and stair at the wall and as a last resort I call in the reinforcements: the Korean teachers, whom the kids have a deep fear of. They don’t hit the kids but they do things such as make the kid stand with their hands in the air for 5 mins or in some cases, make the kids stand while holding their chairs for 5 mins. I’ll get pictures next time of that. They can scare the kids because if they don’t listen the teachers threaten to tell their parents. It’s good times.

I like about half my classes with some students who really do want to learn and speak English more proficiently which makes for a great class. The older students are sometimes ‘too cool for school’ and are lazy but I just make them read if they don’t want to talk or don’t answer my questions. With the older kids I’m supposed to focus more on vocab and having conversations. Sometimes they want to talk, sometimes they don’t, no big deal to me. I don’t really have a curriculum with that last hr, so I can decide what they do and if they want to be little pricks, well they get to read. I’ll have a few pics up of bad kids within the next day or so.