So last week was Busan's annual International film festival. Was a pretty cool experience with each of Busan's movie theaters showing films strictly for the festival all week and offering a midnight screening for 3 movies at the price of 1. I caught one of these screenings last Saturday and it sure didn't disappoint. First 2 movies were eh, Chinese and Spanish movies about something or other. That all leads me to why this post was born. It was out of necessity. MURDERER!!@#!@ is a Hong Kong psychological thriller that everyone needs to watch. Not only do you need to watch it, you need to watch it with all your friends because you will definitely want to talk about this movie once it has finished. It has a slick opening scene that pulls you in, though for those who are squeamish, probably not so much. SEriously though, this movie must be watched by everyone who has eyes. That is all.